Articles & Stories

A Letter from a Rising Gen to a Parent

Inspired by many real-life conversations with inheritors, this is a letter, from a theoretical Rising Gen to a theoretical parent. We thought this would be a helpful way to highlight many of the sentiments that we encounter in members of the Rising Generation. Some may surprise you.


Reflecting to Move Forward

Jonathan’s story of learning that certain challenges in his life weren’t as binary as he thought. Learning how to reflect deeply and valuing that practice helped him break through in areas he was stuck. And as he continues to navigate the challenges of living with abundance he is using the tools he gained while he was a KV to move him forward.


Learning a Next Gen’s Journey – A Parent’s Perspective

An interview with a parent who thought her daughter didn’t need KORE Venture, but came to find there was much more to her child’s experience of wealth than she anticipated. Lisa shares how she approached raising kids in a context of abundance and what she learned they needed as they grew.


Working Towards Your Purpose

A story of how an ambitious, proactive Next Gen got unstuck and uncovered what she wanted her purpose to be. She managed to not only define a paradigm that could guide her energy and future but also in the process, she redefined her understanding of wealth and her relationship to it.


5 Things Next Gens Wish they Heard from their Parents

Based on our extensive work with Next Gens and polling them on this topic, these are five things that they wish they heard from their parents. These are often symptomatic of much bigger gaps in overall communication. However, they can help build awareness for parents who may think they’ve expressed something that Next Gens think they have not.


Learning to Know Yourself

A story of a Next Gen who struggled with immense pressure to live up to the accolades of his father, and how he found peace in a greater understanding of himself. Through deep reflection and facing intense emotions, he was able to get unblocked and is now energetically pursuing his own path.


3 Gen Z and Millennial Values and What They Mean for Next Gens

Next Gens are a different generation from their parents and especially their grandparents. This article explores some of the unique values that research says Gen Z and Millennials hold, as well as how they playout for Next Gens.


Building Relational Wealth

A story of a Next Gen who had spent her life absorbed in the fast-paced finance world but discovered that she had missed so much else in life. She realized that she really wanted to invest in relationships so that she could be surrounded by people she loved when she was old.
