Rising Gen

The Iceberg - aka. Life with Family Wealth

Life with family wealth is kind of like an iceberg. A lot lies hidden below the surface.

It could be unspoken expectations or the complex web of tensions between family members. Or maybe you’re confused because no one ever talks about anything, so you’re not sure what’s going to happen when the founder dies.

Maybe you’re dealing with your feelings below the surface: anxiety in the face of such responsibility, guilt that you didn’t earn it, shame that you have so much more than other people but are still unhappy, loneliness because no one understands.

It’s exhausting.

There’s a community of Next Gens wrestling with the same challenges of expectations and anxiety about the future. Finding them and talking about your shared experiences is where we believe, at KORE Venture, the journey starts towards a life of well-being and flourishing with wealth.

As one Next Gen put it: “The things in this life that seem burdensome, are only burdensome if you do them alone.”

Together with peers in a safe environment, you can find clarity around how to live your unique life in the midst of abundance. You can explore your individual gifting and learn what pursuing a purposeful life looks like for you. The result is an impact beyond wealth and peace that is healing. And we believe this can even be the beginning of health for the rest of your family.

Here are a couple of Rising Gens talking about the inner strength and health they found on their journey with KORE Venture:

Want to see what your pathway could look like?
